Everything that we do at CLP is centered around innovative sustainable solutions. From beneficially reusing coal ash byproducts, to our patented Sustainable Habitat® technology, CLP leads the industry in solving the problems of the future. Our sustainability programs help conserve natural resources, lower green house gas emmissions, reduce landfill disposal, protect groundwater and remediate land for redevelopment. With our dedicated R&D team and adherence to integrity, CLP offers unmatched technology capabilities that give our clients the most accurate services customized to their needs that create shared value and safer lives for all.




Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) - Use In Concrete

Beneficially reusing coal ash helps conserve natural resources and overall reduce our carbon footprint. Use of Coal Ash in concrete also produces such benefits as:

  • Improved strength and durability of materials

  • Lowered use of virgin materials

  • Reduced cost of coal ash disposal

  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions

Coal ash in concrete increases it’s total strength. It provides unique hardening characteristics in concrete and reduces permeability, increases durability and increases the workability where high strengths are required.

Coal Slag Byproducts for Abrasives

CLP in conjunction with Harsco Environmental, transform slag into innovative second-use products, we work hard to reduce or eliminate the mass of material that is sent to landfills. In addition, on-site processing uses less energy and results in lower carbon emissions.



Commercial Liability Partners in Collaboration with Key Environmental, patented an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective closure design for a former coal ash residual ponds at a former power generating operation. 

The design was developed based on strong engineering and technology evaluation demonstrations, but regulatory approval was received based on augmented by community acceptance support of the Sustainable Habitat® concept.

 Ohio EPA received comments from the community that included quotes such as:

“I see this proposal as a win/win… the opportunity to create both ephemeral and semi-permanent wetlands with in the site..”

“The proposed design…will provide good habitat for a variety of plants and wildlife and also provide benefits to the local human communities in terms of increased recreational opportunities.”

“There is an opportunity here, rather than cover it over; to make of this waste site a visible natural experiment and showplace of what is possible in environmental reclamation..”

The patented Sustainable Habitat design and construction will create a barrier between the past operations of a coal ash disposal site and a future for the improvement establishment of a wildlife preserve.  Utilizing both functional design and cost saving elements, this closure system preserves/converts previously unusable property into diverse habitat providing a long term environmental benefit.

Additional environmental benefits are derived from what is not required with the design.  Since the design utilizes the existing surface contours of the ash pond, significantly less dewatering, CCR location, and sculpting of the material is required.  Also, there is no need to import massive amounts of cap material from borrow areas.  This provides two additional environmental benefits; the reduction in transportation movements and the impact to the source areas for the fill.

Considerations for the future eco-diversity were buoyed by the use of wildlife experts and botanists.  Design considerations had to include minimizing any potential breaches of the liner system.  This meant evaluation of the impacts of burrowing animals, plant root distributions, and sufficient retention of precipitation for migratory bird usage.  With the input from each of these sources, final grading and design features were improved, providing the regulatory agency the information to approve the project.

In its final stages of construction, long term maintenance will be reduced as the seasonal inspections will verify the thriving ecological development.
