What We Deliver
Our model for divestiture of distressed real estate assets - VCE™ - centers on three highly integrated dimensions for success: VALUATION, COLLATERALIZATION and EXECUTION. Our VCE™ system can be custom-tailored to meet the specific requirements of your project.
During Step 1 of our VCE™ process, we leverage our extensive reach, state-of-the art technology and proven innovative processes to deliver exceptional valuation for non-producing commercial real estate assets.
We know the sellers of risk want to effectively and permanently divest their assets. Step 2 of our comprehensive VCE™ process provides owners with unmatched protection and piece-of-mind.
Every step of the way through our comprehensive VCE™ process, we are focused on site development with integrated re-use and environmental remediation planning that works in concert to meet the end goals of all stakeholders.
Selling and transferring the liability of non-performing real estate assets can appear risky and challenging.
We work closely with our clients to manage the complexity of contaminated sites and to provide a complete resolution to environmental liabilities.
CLP offers full environmental risk transfer with corporate indemnification to protect our clients. We also offer risk-based and fiscally sound approaches and financial assurance mechanisms that are proven to reach closure — allowing a seller to focus on their primary business.