Demolition of Detroit Edison Plant is progressing


The demolition of the former Detroit Edison Plant should be finalized by June 2020.

DTE Energy’s retired coal-fired power plant located in Harbor Beach, Michigan was turned over to Commercial Liability Partners (CLP) and is now in the process of being demolished and the area is being cleaned in order to meet environmental standards.

CLP public affairs support, Tony Zagora, and contracted project manager, Adam Peetz, attended the October 21, 2019 Harbor Beach City Council meeting to give an update on the plant’s demolition and future redevelopment of the site.

“We only work with contaminated properties,” Peetz told the council. “CLP has years of experience cleaning and renovating power plants, chemical plants, landfills and other types of contaminated sites.”

Peetz told the city council they are about a month ahead of schedule. However, the entire project is weather-dependent. The plant’s demolition is scheduled to be finalized by June of 2020. Removal of asbestos is well underway and is expected to be completed in November of 2019. An estimated 70% of ash has been removed from the ponds and the job is scheduled to be finished by the end of 2019. The fly ash, a byproduct of burning coal, is being removed from the site and transported to a DTE landfill on Range Road outside East China Township.

CLP plans to sell the property to a commercial developer. It is expected discussions with perspective developers will start in the summer of 2020.

“Part of the overall process is to create a realistic reuse plan that works for the Harbor Beach community.”

Tony Zagora said during his presentation

Before the presentation was complete, Zagora and Peetz explained that the fishing piers on the north and east parts of the property have been closed for safety purposes but they will reopen when the work in those areas has been completed.